Finding the truth in your digital data – an unbiased opinion
It is one of the biggest conflicts of interest we see in the car business today – vendor self reporting. You’ll sign up with a vendor to advertise your inventory online to boost sales, and then rely on their reporting to tell you what a great job their company is doing for you. “In fact Mr Dealer, the only way you could do better would be to upgrade your package for another $1,000 per month….” We’ve all heard it, and they have every reason to say it. Dealers hand vendors a check every month and a vendor will pat dealers on the back and tell them, “You’re doing great, keep it up.” There are so many ways to spin the data that finding the “truth” in your data can be challenging for a dealer. At the end of the day, dealers need to know what’s driving quality leads, traffic, sales, and profit.
- A dealer SHOULDN’T have to spend all day looking at 15 different reports from different vendors to try to figure out ROI.
- A dealer SHOULDN’T have to try to rely on their CRM which is based on user entered data that may have errors or manipulated for the gain on someone who’s pay-plan depends on it.
- A dealer SHOULD be able to look at a single unbiased report with all of their digital advertisers and see ROI for each of them in an easy to understand format that provides actionable data. Put your marketing spend where it’s most effective, and hold your digital advertising vendors accountable.