What we do.

I’m often asked the question, “Can you tell me a bit about what your company does?”, and the answer hasn’t always been so simple. We do ALOT when it comes to data analytics/KPI and ROI reporting, but what you need to know is, I’ve been there.

I sat on the dealer side of the desk for years listening to vendors tell me how great they were doing for me.

“Zach, the only way you could do better would be to upgrade to super ultra premium package for only another $1995 per month. Are you in?”

Sound familiar?

Vendor self-reporting is dangerous.

Vendors have NO incentive to accurately report on their own product shortcomings and most dealers are too afraid to cancel those vendors because they don’t want to miss out on car deals, so the cycle begins. You write them a check every month, they tell you how great they’re doing for you. It’s been a huge conflict of interest ever since I sat on that side of the desk and the need for a neutral third party to analyze the data has never been greater than it is today.

Dealer Insights solves that problem. We’re a neutral third party with the simple goal of giving you actionable data that shows what’s actually working at your dealership.

Tired of spending hours compiling stacks of reports to calculate your ROI?

Knowing what’s working at your dealership shouldn’t require pencils, erasers, an advanced degree in statistics, a calculator, and 3 cups of coffee. Our comprehensive platform makes complex data actionable.

KPI Reporting
Our reporting system monitors the standard KPI's that matter most in GA4. Using BigQuery we give you granular access to your data that provides actionable insights. Emailed to you weekly and accessible in the app, you'll always have your finger on the pulse of your store.
Vendor Accountability
We'll analyze the effectiveness of your campaigns - VLA, paid search and social, etc - to keep your marketing vendors in check. Our AI based algorithm will alert you to any changes proactively, so you can make adjustments in real-time.
Your marketing vendors efforts translate into sales, we can show you the effectiveness of your vendors in a given geo, where you’re missing sales, and potential conquest opportunities so you can continue to tweak your budgets to get the best results possible.

Custom Reporting
We'll help you define dealership specific KPI's that matter to you, and create custom reporting that fits your needs. Our AI alert-based system will let you know when something changes that you should be aware of.
Vehicle descriptions increase engagement but are time consuming to write. Our AI powered description generator helps ensure the highest possible conversions and best SEO rankings all without you having to lift a finger.
Custom Vehicle Groups
Vehicle groups allow you to group inventory on the fly to spot trends and patterns providing actionable insights on historical turn, sales volume, profit, and other trends to help you maintain stocking levels that work best for your store.

KPI Reporting

Our reporting platform monitors the standard KPI’s that matter most in GA4. You can slice and dice events by ASC event type, source, medium, campaign and more. This allows you to view performance for a particular vendor or campaign type to dig in and find out what’s performing best at your store.

Vendor Accountability

Hold your vendors accountable! Our platform lets you view your digital campaigns and monitor the engagement events as well as the conversions. View the performance of each campaign tag to analyze which campaigns give you the best ROI for your marketing budget.


Know where you are and aren’t selling cars and never lose focus with our platform through our sales/campaign map. Your campaigns are mapped by location and then sales are projected over the map by zip code to show you exactly where you’re selling vehicles. When used in conjunction with campaign data, this gives you an effective way to track vendor campaign performance and ROI based on sales volume, not just digital engagement.

Frequently Asked Questions

That sounds great, but what does it all mean?
All of your data, all in one place, going beyond GA4 and looker studio to provide you with actionable insights that just work. If you want reports that allow you to make data driven decisions, we've got you covered.
Bring all your channels together
Combine, compare, slice and dice metrics. Let's talk about the KPI's that matter to you, and we'll create reporting around delivering the data you need. Daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly.
I already have a ton of data, what's the difference?
Our data is actionable and easy to understand. We take data seriously, and we believe for it to be effective it must be simple and actionable. Our platform is easy to understand quickly, and allows you to digest KPI's and easily make important decisions.
Are reports customizable?
Absolutely! That's one of our strongest skill sets. We can take your data and create custom reports for you and your team based on what they want to see and have those reports send via email at scheduled intervals. We'll work with you to define what's important to you, and generate exactly what you need.
Do you just provide software?
While our robust platform allows basic users and power users to access the data they need, we're always here for you. We provide a consultative approach to understanding your data as a neutral 3rd party. Whether it's GA4, 3rd party campaigns, or syndication.